Safety Presentations
The safety of our members, the general public, our employees, and equipment is our number one priority at Wheatland REA.
Safety First
Keeping safety #1, our linemen participate in monthly safety meetings. We offer electric safety classes to anyone requesting them free-of-charge. You do not need to be a Wheatland REA member to request a free safety class – We will design an electric safety class to meet the needs of your company or organization.
Each year Wheatland REA distributes approximately 1500 safety booklets and countless pages of safety tips generated in-house by our staff. We are very pro-active in safety education. We participate in local events such as Kiwanis Club's Discovery Day. If you would like to see an electric safety demonstration, remember, we offer these classes free of charge!

Meet our partners in safety! The Town of Wheatland and Wheatland REA are partners in bringing safety education to the public. Their involvement has helped improve the safety classes we offer to the public. Linemen from the Town's Electric Department are actively involved in all aspects of the safety classes we present to the public.